When i was trying to get my foot in the door, gain experience i would bend over backwards for potential employers. Would you?
Would you travel a couple of hours to get to the station just to tech op or record some vox pops?
Would you do eight hour days for free just for experience?
Would you get up at five in the morning just to go and make a cup of tea for the presenters?
Would you call in sick from the regular bill paying job to help out one day?
Would you live with mum and dad so you could afford to just do a few hours a week?
Would you give up your Christmas and New Years Eve?
If your sending loads of CV's off, desperate to get a job, and constantly getting frustated asking yourself why you're not getting much luck your answer to each of those questions should be....YES!
You should be willing to bend over backwards to get the experience and your foot in the door.Now, you maybe sitting there saying to yourself...i would, easy...i would do anything. But would you really? Have you ever turned an opportunity down? No matter how miniscule it seemed at the time. That rejection could have been your first error. Why? You gave off the wrong signals.If someone will call in sick to their regular bill paying job just to spend an hour in the station it shows they're keen, they're a hard worker and will do anything to get their dream. And that means alot more to employers than anything.
Be passionate.
Be keen.
Be willing.
Be able.
And hope you're lucky. But your luck will increase if you have the right attitude.
That's your lot for now.