Friday 2 September 2011


So you want to work in radio? WHY?

Every interview i've ever been to they have always asked me 'Why do you want this job?'. So make sure you ask yourself that question everytime you apply for a job and explain why. It may seem like an easy task but can you really answer the question in a way that fairly portrays your passion and obsession for the job?

You would think it would be an easy question to answer but it really isn't. It requires you to open up and talk about feelings/opinions and your personality in front of a complete stranger. Some people are great at that, others aren't (for various reasons).

But before you can answer this question you need to understand for yourself why you want it. If you're sat thinking now "well i don't know why i want to be a XXX" it may mean you don't really want it, on the other hand it may just mean there are many reasons and you've got yourself so excited about the propects you haven't actually thought about it. If you fit under the latter then you need to think about all the pros and cons of the job, your strengths and weaknesses and what makes you tick...what would make you wake up on monday morning and be excited to get in the office.

Here's some bad reasons for wanting a job in radio (some apply to other industries)...

  • It looks/sounds showbiz.
  • I imagine it pays well.
  • I want my friends to be impressed.
  • To meet celebrities.
  • I love listening to the station. (That is the one station you apply at, love listening to radio generally is to be encouraged but you'll never be hired for being a fan).
  • I want to be famous.
  • I want to be on the radio. (when applying for a Production role).

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